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That includes Democrat Patrick Leahy, who was first elected in 1974 and is the fourth-longest-serving senator in history. And like many states, Vermont has traditionally reelected its incumbents, who have happened to be white men who have ended up serving for extraordinarily long stretches. But Vermont’s tiny population makes it one of a handful of states with the smallest possible congressional delegation - two senators and one House member. Given Vermont’s liberal reputation, it might seem strange that it would be the last state to send a woman to Congress. The two Republican candidates registered to run in the midterm elections are also women.

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House member, Democrat Peter Welch, who is trying to move to the Senate. 9 primary for the seat being vacated by the state’s lone U.S. Molly Gray and Senate President Pro Tempore Becca Balint, are among the Democrats competing in the Aug. (AP) - With a rare opening this fall in its congressional delegation, Vermont appears poised to lose its distinction as the only state that has never been represented by a woman in Washington.

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